What is Repatriation, Reclamation, & Restitution?
the act or process of restoring or returning someone or something to the country of origin, allegiance, or citizenship : the act of repatriating or the state of being repatriated
Reparation, n.
1a: a repairing or keeping in repair
2a: the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
b: something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3: the payment of damages : INDEMNIFICATION
specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural
Reclamation, n.
the act or process of reclaiming: such as
b: restoration to use : RECOVERY
(Source: Merriam Webster)