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Museums have a dark past, but we can fix that | Chip Colwell | TEDxMileHigh
12020-07-19T18:19:49-07:00Mary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9375261Museums are beloved cultural institutions, with more than 850 million visits each year in the U.S. alone. But behind the scenes, a war is raging - many cultures want their heritage returned to its place of origin. In this enlightening talk, Museum Curator Chip Colwell offers a surprising solution to this complicated ethical dilemma. Chip Colwell is the Senior Curator of Anthropology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. He’s published 10 books, most recently Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits: Inside the Fight to Reclaim Native America’s Culture. His work has been featured in publications like The New York Times, The Guardian, Salon, and Slate. Chip is the founding Editor-in-Chief of, an online magazine about anthropological discoveries. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local communityplain2020-07-19T18:19:49-07:00YouTube2017-08-22T19:00:40ZDJYS9C06_qYTEDx TalksMary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9
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1media/remains chip colwell.jpg2020-07-20T21:57:00-07:00Mary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9Pro-Repatriation MediaMary Pukenis3Media pathway for items related to pro-repatriationsplash10111702020-07-22T12:56:20-07:00Mary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9