Repatriation & MuseumsMain MenuRepatriation & MuseumsWho owns history?Museums & Returning ArtifactsThe history of museum returning artifacts, physically & digitallyDigital RepatriationA description of what is digital repatriation, case study examples, and its impact on the museum worldMedia & Related ResourcesMedia & scholastic resources listMary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9
Digital Dynamics Across Cultures
1media/Digital Dynamics Across Cultures_thumb.jpg2020-07-22T12:49:40-07:00Mary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9375261Digital Dynamics Across Cultures (DDAC), an educational site designed in collaboration with Warumungu community members, content on the site is embedded with cultural protocols for access and use. As users navigate the site, they encounter alternative ways of sharing for cultural materials.plain2020-07-22T12:49:40-07:00Mary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9
This page has paths:
12020-07-29T20:24:24-07:00Mary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9Image ArtifactsMary Pukenis2Image artifacts used throughout the Scalar projectgallery10111702020-07-29T20:25:06-07:00Mary Pukenis298c8131cc3f3381273c33b777995e0d4cbb86c9