Repatriation & Museums

Indigenous Databases

Using the Mukurtu, pronounced (MOOK-oo-too) software several databases have been created to showcase and disseminate indigenous knowledge. Some include those reported in Kimberly Christen's research such as The Portage People’s Portal and the Mukurtu Wumpurrarni-kari Archive. This content management system (CMS) has several features that are important in the collaboratively curated and reciprocally managed archives using Mukrutu.  

Cultural Protocols (Protocols allow you to determine fine-grained levels of access to your digital heritage materials based on your community needs and values);
Community Records (Community records provide space for multiple cultural narratives, traditional knowledge, and diverse sets of protocols ensuring that you can tell your stories and your history, your way);
Traditional Knowledge Labels (TK Labels allow Indigenous communities to label third party owned or public domain materials with added information about access, use, circulation and attribution);
Roundtrip (Mukurtu CMS Roundtrip feature allows for media and data collections to be brought into Mukurtu and exported again without risk of losing meaning or protocols)

Others include the project Gibagadinamaagoom hosted and designed by the University of Pennsylvania, and guided by Itasca Community College. In Ojibwemowin ('the language of the Anishinaabe or Ojibwe people'), Gibagadinamaagoom means 'to bring to life, to sanction, and to give permission.' The purpose of the website is to educate others directly from the authority of the Ojibe elders chi-ayy ya agg ('Ojibwe wisdom-keepers') . They work to bring life and context to the digital objects on the site through the power of storytelling. 


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