Reaching Reluctant Readers: A Guide for Instructors in Every Discipline

Reaching Reluctant Readers: A Guide for Instructors in Every Discipline

Welcome, reader! I have prepared this project with post-secondary instructors (and their students) in mind, but the goodies inside can be utilized by teachers of elementary and secondary students, as well. My job here was to discover ways to reach our reluctant readers, the friends, family, and students we encounter almost daily who profess to hate reading. I have made recommendations, based on my research, that can be applied in any class, regardless of subject. This is important because reading (and writing) are part of every discipline, and instructors in every discipline encounter reluctant readers. I hope you find my work informative.

You can follow the link below to the Introduction. From there, you may go to any of the three main sections of the essay, reading them in any order you please, although I have written them with a specific reading order in mind which you will see. As you read, you will encounter numbers in parentheses e.g. (23). These are citation links and, if followed, will take you to PDF files of the original articles (with my annotations scribbled all over them). There are eleven source texts referenced here; once you've got them all open, no need to keep clicking those citation links. Other links will take you to short video clips, sound bites, or images. Also, every section of this digital essay has tabs enabled on the right side of the screen for your annotation/commenting pleasure.

Enjoy! And thank you for reading!

Billy Priest

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