Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library

MS 9A:1 Introduction

Homeliae in Evangelia

The Homeliae in Evangelia (Homilies on the Gospels) of Pope Gregory I (c.540-604) were delivered  in 590 and 591, soon after he was elected as pope. To illustrate the sermons, Gregory used personal examples. These writings serve as a historical record of Pope Gregory’s life and Roman culture. The Homeliae in Evangelia are the only surviving samples of his public preaching.

Gregory delivered the first 20 homilies in Rome. The second group of 20, were written by Gregory but  read by a church official due to an illness. After the sermons were presented, Gregory sent the final version to the papal archives. The popularity of the sermons led to multiple transcriptions and printed distribution before his revisions were submitted. The Homilies on the Gospels were copied many times during the Middle Ages; four hundred known copies exist. 


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