Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library


KU Libraries


“The University of Kansas Libraries transform lives by inspiring the discovery and creation of knowledge for the university and our global community.”


KU Libraries will be:
  1. A place of welcome, amplifying the diverse voices of our community
  2. A leader in the dissemination of knowledge, advancing innovative and sustainable ways to collect, create and steward resources
  3. A partner in connecting and engaging communities, fostering student success and transformative research[1]

Watson Library, Digital Initiatives

The Digital Initiatives program is focused on building a rich set of digital tools and resources accessed through the University of Kansas library system…” [2]

Erin Wolfe, Digital Initiatives Librarian

Kenneth Spencer Research Library (KSRL)


“...To collect and preserve distinctive resources and make them available to the campus, the community, and the world.”[3]


Beth M. Whittaker
Director of Spencer Research Library

Elspeth Healey
Associate Librarian, Special Collections

Angela Andres
Special Collections Conservator

Complete list of  KSRL staff

Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities (IDRH)


“…To build a flourishing environment for innovative exploration at the intersection of digital technology and humanities research. To provide resources and training in the practices and tools of the digital humanities. To promote public scholarship and partnership-building.” [4]

Faculty and Staff:

Kaylen Dwyer
Digital Media Specialist

Brian Rosenblum
Co-Director, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities
Scholarly Digital Initiatives Librarian, KU Libraries

Dave Tell
Co-Director, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities
Professor, Communications Studies Department
[1]“Mission and Vision” KU Libraries
[2] Holly Mercer and  Deborah Ludwig
The Scholarly Digital Initiatives Program at the University of Kansas: A Campus-wide Collaboration. 2005
[3]“What we collect” Kenneth Spencer Research Library.
[4] “Our Mission” Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities.

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