Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library


In Spring 2022, Elizabeth Palomino digitized six medieval manuscript fragments at the University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library using a photographic method called Reflective Transformation Imaging (RTI). RTI consists of a series of object photos (around 40-60) shot from a stationary camera. In each image, light is cast from a measured angle and reflected on to a black sphere. RTI is a form of computational photography meaning that it uses computer generated calculations to create a file from an image data set. Once the data is collected and rendered the image can be dynamically relit from the captured light points. RTI is useful to researchers because the angles of raking light reveal details that are invisible with traditional digitization. To highlight these manuscripts and the process of RTI, Elizabeth created an interactive digital exhibit using Scalar, a web publishing platform developed by the University of Southern California.


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