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Real Food Challenge Learning Module

Maria Frank, Author

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Real Food A & Real Food B

Real Food A is green or yellow light in more than one category.
For example, fish produced at a privately-traded or cooperatively-owned business that grosses less than 1% of the industry leader and is produced, processed, & distributed within 150 miles of the U of M (Local & Community-Based) and included in the "Good Alternatives" category of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Guide (Ecologically Sound) counts as Real Food A.
Real Food B is green or yellow light in only one category.
For example, fish produced by a high-grossing company more than 250 miles from the U of M (therefore neither green nor yellow light in the Local & Community-Based category) that is included in the "Good Alternatives" category of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Guide (Ecologically Sound) counts as Real Food B.
While Real Food B has room for improvement, it is important to recognize that progress is being made. Real Food A and Real Food B count equally towards the overall real food percentage for the institution.
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