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Real Food Challenge Learning Module

Maria Frank, Author
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"Fair" criterion for Real Food Challege: Examples

The following are examples of the kinds of issues addressed by the "fair" category of the RFC, and give us a sense of why these are important and how to engage indicators of fairness:

First, "The Hands that Feed Us" by the FoodChain Workers Alliance, a report on the people of the many hands that feed us, prepared by a coalition of worker-based organizations (founded in July 2009) whose members plant, harvest, process, pack, transport, prepare, serve, and sell food, organizing to improve wages and working conditions for all workers along the food chain.

Second, "Behind the Kitchen Door," a book on the conditions of foodservice workers in restaurants by Saru Jayaraman, based on her experience with the Restaurant Opportunities Centers (this page mostly includes video summaries)

And third, the Community Garden Social Impact Assessment Toolkit, a PDF report by Keith Miller supported by the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs designed to help community gardens assess their social impact. Social impact is defined as the benefits and resources that are created or shared because of relationships with in and around a community garden.
Community gardens help build different kinds of relationships. As gardens become a focal point for local food justice organizing around access to land to produce food, such toolkits may be useful for exploring and building more opportunities for fairness in food practices.
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