Reading Nature, Observing Science: Examining Material Practices in the Lick Observatory Archives and Kenneth S. Norris Papers

Desert Ecology

Norris's research spanned both the sea and desert, as he was also active in the field of desert ecology. During his studies at UC Los Angeles, Norris focused on desert reptiles. He was later hired as a professor of herpetology and biology at UCLA, where he not only taught students about desert species and ecosystems, but also worked to preserve them through his founding of the UC Natural Reserve System (NRS)--which includes key desert habitats. When Norris later moved to UCSC to teach natural history, he did not lose sight of the desert. Many of the field trips in Norris's Natural History Field Quarters were to different desert across the state of California, such as the Mojave Desert. 

The above images are from Norris's slide collection. These slides document various species of snakes, lizards, toads, and frogs, as well as desert habitats. As the majority of the these slides are from the year 1948, they are largely representative of Norris's work in the desert during his studies at UCLA.  


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