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Latino/a Mobility in California History

Genevieve Carpio, Javier Cienfuegos, Ivonne Gonzalez, Karen Lazcano, Katherine Lee Berry, Joshua Mandell, Christofer Rodelo, Alfonso Toro, Authors

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Exhibit Reflection

In my exhibit, I gave an overview of my project’s aims, and proceeded to present my three digital objects. As part of my exhibit’s aim to recirculate more genuine understandings of the movement, I created a brochure which contained information on my exhibit--including photos and links to the class Scalar page. Even though I spoke last, people in the audience paid attention to the presentation, and I made extra emphasis to engage with them to maintain interest. In terms of feedback, each participant-- either online or in-person-- filled out a six-question survey on the exhibit, In looking at the responses, most people enjoyed either the song or slideshow best. Replies to the question on changed understandings of relational Asian/Latino histories all suggested a greater understanding of how Mexicans and Filipinos worked together, and the inaccuracies of popular imaginings of the strike. There was also positive feedback on the supplementary materials I provided, which was exciting in its signaling that people were willing to take back the information to a wider audience. Thanks to live-tweeting, people not in attendance were able to share and exclaim excitement about my exhibit, affirming my project’s desire to foster a widespread reconceptualization of the movement. This feedback helps to affirm my project’s claim to nuancing representation of the United Farm Workers, and also sheds light on knowledge of the strikes. Granted, the audience present had some sort of vested interested in Latina/o Histories, skewing a sense of how the general public understood the UFW. Still, it bodes well that people found the exhibit accessible and informative.

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