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Latino/a Mobility in California History

Genevieve Carpio, Javier Cienfuegos, Ivonne Gonzalez, Karen Lazcano, Katherine Lee Berry, Joshua Mandell, Christofer Rodelo, Alfonso Toro, Authors

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Overall, I found the sites I selected to be be successful in the implementation of information and attachment through personal connection of human narratives.

I thought that the Violacion de un Sueño was extremely successful in communicating the individual stories of women through personal narratives as well as information of the overall subject matter. I found the approach of the site to be effective because it offers multiple venues of media for the consumer to engage in. There are news articles pertaining the subject, the documentary as a form of media sharing, and outlets for commenting. All of these offer choice to the consumer, which I find to be very important in the sharing of information. The primary goal in the production of the documentary and the site as a medium for sharing the stories of these women and the factors that allow for these situations to occur. It engages in the theme of immigration reform, which ties in to policy and legislation. The use of language was also interesting as a component of audience maximization. The documentary is produced in both English and Spanish allowing for a dialogue with a greater audience to occur.

The Human Rights Watch report provides a thorough background of immigrant women in agriculture. It is a PDF document that is free and easily accessible to anyone with internet access. The report is in an organized fashion which allows the reader the chance to look at topic points and engage with certain selections of her/his choosing. The organization also allows for a flow of information in a clear and understandable manner. The inclusion of graphics such as graphs, charts, and separate text sections draws the reader to the report through the means of text and visionary aids.

The Latino History project provides a curated account of the Latino migrant narrative through the exploration of multiple roles. It includes histories of Latinos in the area that extend from personal stories to the history of the community as a group of people and a setting. The project is curated with the intention of seeking involvement from local youth. Through the inclusion of today’s youth, the histories of the land are given mobility in the sense of continuation and future validation. The site includes information in a precise and easy to comprehend approach.

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