The completion of this project could not have been accomplished without the guidance and brilliance of Dr. Genevieve Carpio. Thank you for leading us through Scalar and curating an exhibit that is accessible to all and has allowed us to leave footprint in the ever growing world of digital academia. Your class has been awesome!!
I would also like to extend my gratitude to my classmates, exhibit attendees, twitter participants, the Yale Information Technology Services, the Becton Center, the Ethnicity, Race, and Migration program, and Yale University. You have all played an important role in making this project a success. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm to engage!
Finally, I would like to thank street vendors--in all landscapes--for providing a source of familiarity and comfort, for extending their reach into the identity of the city landscape and demanding what is just, and for allowing me to explore their narratives in an interdisciplinary fashion. Gracias!
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