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Primero- Colorado Fuel and Iron's Model Town

Blake Hatton, Abbie Specht, Authors

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1916: Dispensary for Primero

The establishment of the dispensary at Primero is covered in the January 1916 issue of the Industrial Bulletin. In a visit to the mining camps in September and October of 1916 John D. Rockefeller Jr. decided to establish dispensaries or temporary hospitals in the camps. These dispensaries were intended to work in connection to and not supersede the company's general hospital in Pueblo. The physicians assisted in the temporary care of injured workers and provided relief before they were sent to Pueblo as well as managed minor ailments. The Bulletin mentions a system of visiting nurses that was intended to be implemented to perform nurse duties as well as educate the housewives in the camp on sanitation and hygiene. The Primero Dispensary was donated and near ready for occupation in January of 1916.

The Dispensary in the 1922

In 1922 the Industrial Bulletin printed several issues concerning medicine and hospitals that were a part of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. In these issues they printed pictures of doctors, nurses, grounds and surgical and patient rooms. Below the doctor for the Primero Dispensary is pictured among other doctors and physicians. 

Visiting Nurse in 1921-1922

Miss Olive Haynes R. N. 

In 1922 the focus on hospitals and medical care was the center discussion in the bulletin. Below is a published picture of a patient room at the Primero Dispensary. 

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