The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Prester John in Ecbatana

From Otto of Freising's Historia de duabus civitatibus:

"He [i.e. Hugh] related also that no many years before a certain John, a king and priest who dwells beyond Persia and Armenia in the uttermost East and, with all his people, is a Christian but a Nestorian, made war on the brother kings of Persians and Medes, called Samiardi, and stormed Ekbatana (the seat of their kingdom) of which mention has been made above. When the aforesaid kings met him with an army composed of Persians, Medes and Assyrians a battle ensued which lasted for three days, since both parties were willing to die rather than turn in flight. Prester John, for so they are accustomed to call him, putting the Persians to flight with dreadful carnage finally emerged victorious. He said that after this victory the aforesaid John moved his army to the aid of the Church in Jerusalem. But that when he had reached the river Tigris and was unable to transport his army across that river by any evidence he turned towards the north, where, he had learned, this stream was frozen over on account of the winter’s cold. When he had tarried there for several years without, however, seeing his heart’s desire realized (the continued mild weather prevented it), and lost many of his soldiers because of the unfamiliar climate he was forced to return home. It is said that he is a lineal descendent of the Magi, of whom mention is made in the Gospel, and that, ruling over the same peoples which they governed, he enjoys such great glory and wealth that he uses no scepter save one of emerald. Inflamed by the example of his fathers who came to adore Christ in his manger, he hand planned to go to Jerusalem but my reason aforesaid he was prevented—so men say. But enough of this.” 

(Qtd in Slessarev, 27-8)