The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Master Phillilp

Master Phillip, whom Pope Alexander describes as "our doctor and familiar" [medicus et familiaris noster], is the emissary sent with the Pope's 1177 letter to the kingdom of Prester John. His identity remains a mystery. 

As translated by Brewer, Alexander writes that Prester John: 
"receive... Phillip with due kindness like an honest, distinguished, and foresightful man sent from our side, and treat him respectfully and faithufully, and, if it is your will and proposition, as it altogether should be, so that you may be taught the papal teaching, diligently, listen to and heed those things that this Philip will put forward to you on our behalf, and send to us with him honest persons and letters signed with your seal" (96)

From this description, it is easy to see how Alberic of Trois-Fontaines attempted to clarify that Master Philip was not only a doctor, but a bishop. 

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