The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Map 2.2: Textual Imaginings

History of the Tartars [Historia Tartarum] (c. 1246)

History of the Mongols [Ystoria Mongalorum] (c. 1247-1250)

Alberic's Chronicle [Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium] (1232-1241)

Travels of William of Rubruck [Itinerarium fratris Willielmi de Rubruquis de ordine fratrum Minorum, Galli, Anno gratia 1253 ad partes Orientales] (c. 1253-1255)

Mirror of History [Speculum Historiale] (1256-1269) 
King's Mirror [Konungs Skuggsjá] (c. 1250)

Younger Titurel [Der jüngere Titurel] (c. 1270)

Chronicon Syriacum [Makhtbhanuth Zabhne] (c. 1258-1286)

The Travels of Marco Polo [Divisament dou monde] (c. 1298)

Riccolda d Monte di Croce's Itinerarius* (1300)

The Tree of Seth* (c. 1300)

Second Letter of John of Monte Corvino (1305)

Life of St. Louis [Livre des saintes paroles et des bons faiz de nostre saint roy Looÿs] (1305-1309)

Il Novellino/The Hundred Old Tales [Le ciento novelle antike] (c. 1290-1300)

The Book of the Secrets of the Faithful of the Cross [Liber Fidelium Crucis]* (c. 1300-1321)

Disputatio cum Hamar Sarraceni* (1309)
*denotes that a text has not yet been plotted on the map above
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