The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six CenturiesMain MenuOrientation to ProjectPath One: 1122-1235Path Two: 1236-1310 ADPath Three : 1311-1460 ADPath Four : 1461-1520 ADPath Five: 1521-1699 ADPath Six: 1700-1800 ADChristopher Taylor // christopher.eric.taylor@gmail.com946e2cf6115688379f338b70e5b6f6c039f8ba6f Global Middle Ages
David Bathsheba
12016-03-31T10:05:38-07:00Christopher Taylor // christopher.eric.taylor@gmail.com946e2cf6115688379f338b70e5b6f6c039f8ba6f52811plain2016-03-31T10:05:38-07:00Christopher Taylor // christopher.eric.taylor@gmail.com946e2cf6115688379f338b70e5b6f6c039f8ba6f
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12016-03-26T20:09:15-07:00David and Bathsheba3plain2016-03-31T10:06:46-07:00
That John himself sanctifies his couplings as Bathsheba was sanctified by David should recall for western Christians the story in 2 Samuel 11 about David seducing and impregnating an already-married Bathsheba, whose child, punished by God, died a few days after being born. The text of the Letter suggests that John’s couplings, while perhaps driven by an austere piety, resonate nonetheless as infelicitous undertakings. This remark reveals a fear that the Christian kingdom of Prester John might actually represent a territory that continuously produces soldiers of God that are nonetheless left unsanctified by the deity they intend to serve.