Praxis of Social Imaginaries: Cosmologies, Othering and LiminalityMain MenuAbout the ProjectFront page for About the Project PathUpcoming SymposiaPast SymposiaNetworkBooksThe list of texts to be analysed and annotated by the projectNordic Summer University Circle 3, co-facilitators Lindsey Ann Drury & Laura Hellstenc5a308f93051c82ac62ab9f9a7a7446ae6ff6df8
Imaginative engraving of Sigtuna around the year 1700.
1media/Suecia_1-067_;_Sigtuna_thumb.png2023-11-24T06:47:36-08:00Nordic Summer University Circle 3, co-facilitators Lindsey Ann Drury & Laura Hellstenc5a308f93051c82ac62ab9f9a7a7446ae6ff6df8412691From Suecia antiqua et hodierna.plain2023-11-24T06:47:36-08:00Nordic Summer University Circle 3, co-facilitators Lindsey Ann Drury & Laura Hellstenc5a308f93051c82ac62ab9f9a7a7446ae6ff6df8
Sigtunastiftelsen Writing Retreat 24-26 November 2023.
Artists and researchers involved in Praxis of Social Imaginaries collaborations meet at the renowned Sigtuna Foundation in Sweden for a three-day intensive writing retreat. Dr. Eduardo Abrantes (artist/researcher) Adriana Aurelius (researcher) Frank Berger (artist) Ilona Blumgrund (researcher) Dr. Lindsey Drury (researcher) Emma Görransson (artist/researcher) Tinka Harvard (researcher) Dr. Laura Hellsten (researcher) Dr. Åsa Virdi Kroik (researcher) Robertho Paredes (artist/researcher) Joël Verwimp (artist) Helena Hildur W. (artist/researcher)