Media Portfolio

Near Figure

Date: Jan - May 2015 | Software: Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Illustrator, Photoshop, Camtasia

I have certain prejudice against 'rectitude' ... I'm tired of every building telling me I should be young and fit and have good posture. I'm not young, I'm not fit, I like sitting hunched over, I'm often drunk and I like to lean on stuff. So, just once, I would like to walk into a city and have a few buildings tell me: You're ok, you're part of the world and you belong in it.
- Jefferey Kipnis

This project is an exploration of the Near Figure concept. Situated in the context of Guggenheim Museum Helsinki
design competition, I have transformed the outstanding programs into linear configurations for the programs to wrap around each others in a "twisted spatial progression." The visitors to the museum will not be told what the correct art is. Instead, they will be free to make whatever they want to make out of the elusive experience created by the incoherent programmatic distinctions.

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