Postcolonial Speculative Fiction

Without Wishing to Conflate or Appropriate

The style of this post is a really unique way to tie Samatar's ideas with your own. I love that you draw on so many different historical figures and events, most of which I was unfamiliar with (so thanks for the links!). I feel that the connections you make are all very valid, and I don't personally think that they could be considered "appropriation." Your experiences are unique to you, and if you feel like they create a connection between yourself and someone else then no one can take that away from you. I think the only time that these "connections" become problematic are when people conflate them; no one knows exactly what another goes through, so to propose that you completely relate to someone else's experience is problematic. But you don't do any of these things, so I think this is a perfect example of how to find wisdom and comfort in the experiences of others without appropriating/conflating them.

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