This comment was written by Chelsea Larymore on 8 May 2019.

Postcolonial Speculative Fiction

Tell me more!

First, as an English major, I'd like to point out that I have also never heard of a found poem, so you aren't alone! This is a really interesting concept that I definitely want to experiment with at some point. It would be interesting to use quotes like these to make something entirely new that still comments on petro-related issues. Also, if you were interested in typography at all, you could probably do some equally interesting things with presenting these quotes in a new way. In addition to using the words to comment on something, you would also be including a visual aspect that can hold deeper meanings than the words alone. Of course, that's the art major in me talking, so if you're completely appalled at the idea, I understand!

Now, about your actual content. I love that you select a few of the quotes and provide some context for the audience. I only wish you had told us more! Why did these particular quotes stand out to you? Did you think they were important to the story or just important statements in general? Maybe you just thought they were amusing? I'm not sure, but I want to know! I also have questions about your poem. Did you arrange these in a specific way with the intent of conveying a particular meaning? Would you ever create another found poem based on your own personal reading? I think I create one of my own in the future.

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