Postcolonial Speculative Fiction

Rosie the robot to save the day!

“The Latest Myths and Facts on Global Warming”, by Wang and Oppenhiemer (2005) offer a wide variety held myths about climate change and then provide scientific facts to dispel the myth. One myth people tell themselves is that humans will adapt to climate change. So, the myth that humans will adapt to climate change like cockroaches to bug killer is short sited. Though the human species may survive increases in temperatures, many will be displaced by rising sea water, flooding events, and natural disasters. The climate pressures on humans will spillover in placing more pressures on ecosystems. The additional pressure from humans on ecosystems will threaten those systems to extinction. In return human survival will be threatened with the loss of ecosystems. Sadly, some people do not consider themselves as a part of an ecosystem. Some people think some smart person will have invented pelletized food by then – Jetsons – they are banking on Rosie the robot to save the day!

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