Portraits of Irkutsk

Additional Materials

Survey for Russian students at Irkutsk State University

Gender: Male / Female
Year in college:
Where are you from?
Why did you apply to ISU?
Why did you decide to study Chinese?
How long have you been studying Chinese?
Have you ever been to, or studied in, China?  If no, do you want to?  If yes, when and where?
Do you speak or study any other languages?
What is your academic concentration?
Which aspects of China are you interested in other than language?
Do you converse with Chinese students at ISU?
Do you have the opportunity to speak Chinese in Irkutsk?
What courses have you already taken?
Where are your professors from?
Tell me, does Chinese culture influence Irkutsk?
If yes, where in Irkutsk can you feel as if you were in China?
If not, why, in your opinion?
Are you familiar with the Confucius Institute and its purpose?
How do your parents feel about your decision to study Chinese?
What job would you like to have after graduating?  Where would you prefer to work?
Is there anything else you would like to say about Russia, China Studies, the Chinese language, etc.?
In your estimation, will be able to freely speak, write, and read in Chinese when you graduate?

Survey for Chinese students at Irkutsk State University
Gender: Male / Female
Year in college:
Where are you from?
Why did you apply to Irkutsk State University?
Why did you decide to study Russian?
How long have you been studying Russian?
Do you speak or study any other languages?
What is your academic concentration?
Which aspects of Russia are you interested in other than language?
Do you converse with Russian students at ISU?
Do you have the opportunity to speak Chinese in Irkutsk?
Tell me, does Chinese culture influence Irkutsk?
If yes, where in Irkutsk can you feel as if you were in China?
If not, why, in your opinion?
How do your parents feel about your decision to study in Russia?
What job would you like to have after graduating?  Where would you prefer to work?
Is there anything else you would like to say about Russia, the Russian language, etc.?
In your estimation, will be able to freely speak, write, and read in Russian when you graduate?

“Лучшие студенты-китаисты России учатся в ИГУ.”  Иркутский государственный университет.  31 мая 2017.  https://isu.ru/ru/news/newsitem.html?action=show&id=4743.

Brazgina, D. E.  “«Китайский» рынки в постсоветских трансформациях городского пространства Иркутска.”  Вестник Томского государственного университета 45 (2017): 106-13.

Chudova, V.  “Structural-territorial changes of the demographic situation in the Irkutsk region.”  Geography and Natural Resources 29, no 2. (2008): 184-190.

Kireev, Anton A.  “China in Russia, Russia in China: Ethnic aspect of migration between the two countries in the past and present.”  Asian Ethnicity 17, no. 1 (2016): 67-89.

Krasavina, Tatyana.  “Иркутская область - Китай : Интервью с главой представительства Иркутской области в Китае С.В.Миненко.”  Китай и Россия.  23 мая 2008.  http://www.pribaikal.ru/rus-china-item/article/2028.html.

Larin, Alexander G.  “Russians' Views of Russian-Chinese Relations and Chinese Migrants.”  Far Eastern Affairs 36, no. 4 (2008): 88-118.

Nikitenko, Yevgeniy.  “Почему российские студенты едут учиться в Китай и не является ли это угрозой для ДВ вузов/”  AmurMedia.  27 июня 2017.  https://amurmedia.ru/news/600558/.

Repnikova, Maria, and Harley D. Balzer.  “Chinese migration to Russia: Missed opportunities.”  Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Kennan Institute, 2009.

Romanova, Svetlana. “Российские вузы набирают китайских студентов: Выпускников-китайцев уже ждут российские работодатели.” Ведомости, 10 августа 2016.  https://www.vedomosti.ru/management/articles/2016/08/11/652542-rossiiskie-vuzi-nabirayut-kitaiskih-studentov.

Sullivan, Jonathan, and Bettina Renz.  “Chinese migration: still the major focus of Russian Far East/Chinese North East relations?.”  The Pacific Review 23, no. 2 (2010): 261-285.

Zubaydulina, Viktoria.  “Иркутский регион: точка пересечения интересов России и КНР.”  Chinalogist.  22 февраля 2013.  http://chinalogist.ru/book/articles/analitika/irkutskiy-region-tochka-peresecheniya-interesov-rossii-i-knr.

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