Lenore: The Last Narrative of Edgar Allan Poe: A Novel
Lovelock, Frank A. Lenore : The Last Narrative of Edgar Allan Poe : A Novel. Philadelphia? Pa.: XLibris, 2002.
This book takes place during the 2 weeks prior to Poe’s death where his whereabouts are inconclusive. It is written in the first person in the style of Poe’s stories. The author acknoloedges in the introduction “Note to Reader” that some of the material is taken from Poe’s writing as well as Poe’s correspondance. These occurences are noted in bold italics.
In the two weeks prior to his death, a sick Poe gets involved in the lives of Reynolds and Lenore. Reynolds being a white man in love with a slave woman of mixed heritage that he is hoping to free. Meanwhile, another slave of mixed heritage trying to escape, impersonates Poe.
It is told in multiple first person POV. Another POV comes from a slave woman of mixed heritage in Virginia named Eleeonora, but commonly referred to as Lenore. This story's Lenore was associated with William Wilson. Mr. Dupin also appears.
Poe appears as an unfortunate pawn, not enirely aware of what is going on around him and afraid that his greatest nightmares or coming to life. Poe gives opinions about slavery. Poe is completely delirious throughout almost the entirety of this book.