Batman : Nevermore
graphic novel
Wein, Len, and Guy Davis. Batman.: Nevermore. 5 vols. New York, NY: DC Comics, 2003.
Set in the time of Edgar Allan Poe when he was working as a writer for newspapers, except this one has him writing for the Baltimore Sun. In this work there is a serial killer on the loose in Baltimore. Poe wants to cover the story, but is not allowed by his editor. Regardless, Poe investigates when he can and comes across a 19th century Batman, Bruce Wayne.
The supporting cast is a mixture of names from Poe and from Batman; Usher, Jonathan Crane, Arthur Gordon Pym, Alfred, Lenore, M. Valdemar. There’s also a few scenes reminiscent of Poe’s stories. The murders are referred to as the “raven murders” for the large raven that the police keep spotting in the distance as they find the bodies of the victims. Poe here is more of the detective like Dupin.
Poe is curious, curagous. He appears calm, having not yet reached the time in his life when things would be the continuing slope downward he could not get out of. He is young and before marriage.