Cole Has a Soul 2018: Participatory Budgeting Research and Evaluation Report

Cole Has a Soul 2018: Participatory Budgeting Research and Evaluation Report

To cite this report:
Gardner, T., & Russell, V. (2020). Cole Has a Soul 2018: Participatory budgeting research and evaluation report.

Corrrespondence regarding this report can be sent to Vincent Russell: vincent.russell at colorado dot edu

Therese Gardner is an undergraduate student pursuing her BA in Communication, with a minor in Women and Gender Studies, from the University of Colorado Boulder. She is the Director of Programming for TEDxCU and the Director of Content Strategy for the non-profit organization Transformative Teach. Her work emphaszies storytelling, dialogue, community engagement, and facilitation.

Vincent Russell is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder studying the ways communicative practices promote democracy and activism for socia justice. For 3 years, he was the president of the grassroots organization Participatory Budgeting Greensboro that secured the city's first participatory budgeting process with $500,000 for community-inspired projects and $200,000 in implementation funds. He eanred his BA and MA in Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. His academic writings are found in Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Annals of the International Communication Association, and Communication Education.

Gracie Hanson, an undergraduate student studying Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder, designed the charts, tables, and formatting used in this report.

We want to thank the hundreds of people who participated in Cole Has a Soul by serving on the steering commitee, submitting a project idea, developing a project prospoal, and/or voting on projects. This would not be possible without all of you. We also would like to thank members of Warm Cookies of the Revolution, Project VOYCE, and Project Belay for their support, participation, and feedback regarding this research project. Thank you for inviting us to be a part of This Machine Has a Soul. We are grateful to CU Engage and the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder for providing funding for this project.

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