1media/coll0242_1956-03-21_B122_001_thumb.jpg2023-06-01T12:48:02-07:00Janelle Zettyc683dcfaab75f20cf960ec4bd7d610f77219f619432275[Miguez Studio]. (ca. 1956). Ory Miguez Collection (UAAMC-COLL-0242, B122). University Archives and Acadiana Manuscripts Collection, Edith Garland Dupré Library, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA.plain2023-07-24T11:01:06-07:00Janelle Zettyc683dcfaab75f20cf960ec4bd7d610f77219f619
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12023-07-25T08:43:35-07:00Introduction19plain14161592024-12-18T13:14:46-08:00Welcome to the Ory Miguez: Acadiana Photographer digital exhibit. Based in Franklin, Louisiana, Ory Miguez captured the essence of life in south Louisiana from the late 1940s to the 1990s. He documented social events in Franklin and surrounding areas, including weddings, graduations, dance recitals, carnivals, and individual and family portraits. Miguez also specialized in legal, industrial, and oil field photography, with assignments taking him from Mexico to the North Sea. He was renowned for his excellent nature and outdoor photographs, particularly of the Atchafalaya Basin and wildlife during hunting and fishing trips. Many trade publications and annuals featured his work. He was awarded the National Service Award from the Professional Photographers of America in 1986.
This exhibit is divided into five sections: Section 1 covers the Miguez family and a brief history of Franklin; Section 2 covers retail businesses; Section 3 covers government, landmarks, and points of interest; Section 4 covers houses; and Section 5 covers schools. The items are courtesy of the University Archives and Acadiana Manuscripts Collection at Edith Garland Dupré Library. The materials presented in this exhibit originate from the Ory Miguez Photograph Collection (UAAMC-COLL-0242). The collection comprises over 600,000 images. Dupré Library plans on adding more photographs to this digital exhibit.