Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Why this text?

This text has a lot of historical value. Across disciplines, Mary Wollstonecraft is pretty much regarded as an OG feminist. According to, first wave feminism began in 1850. Wollstonecraft published Original Stories 60+ years before that time, which explains why Wollstonecraft's work is seen as particularly groundbreaking. In addition to carrying an OG feminist badge, Wollstonecraft was also one of the first to write literature specifically for children. Clearly, this text carries a lot of historical value. However, it's difficult to not be dismayed by the classist and sexist undertones. Ms. Mason, one of the protagonists, very much upholds patriarchal ideals in her teachings. If Wollstonecraft carries an OG feminist badge, Ms. Mason carries a White Feminism badge. Additionally, the discussions on wealth and generosity very much foster a classist mentality. There is no acknowledgement of the structures at play; rather, Wollstonecraft focuses on individualism. Despite these shortcomings, there is some historical value to this text that we cannot overlook. Analysis of this text needs to have a semblance of a "both/and" mentality (Ryan). We can praise Original Stories for how groundbreaking it was at the time while still understanding the harmful shortcomings within its pages.

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