Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Wealth/ Generosity in Wollstonecraft

We have chosen to recognize the themes of wealth and generosity as "together" because Wollstonecraft encompasses the two similarly throughout "Original Stories. She offers perspectives on thinking about the way one spends money and how we can use our wealth to help others in need instead of ourselves. She motivates the idea of being thankful for the wealth that one has because not everyone is as fortunate and therefore we should be generous and help others. Among this idea, we see generosity included in the way one treats others according to ones privilege. 

Mary Wollstonecraft and Wealth/Class

The theme of wealth and social class appears many times throughout Original Stories. The text follows the narrative of Mrs. Mason, the governess sent to help the two wealthy middle-class girls, Mary and Caroline. Mary Wollstonecraft was a strong critique of unequal distribution amongst wealth, privilege, and expressed her concerns for consequences of lack of virtue and moral development as a result of this unequal distribution (Halledenius, 2014). 

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