Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

"To Make Black Medicine"

"To Make Black Medicine"

“To Make Black Medicine 1822”

¼ of pint of lintseed oil oil ¼ of a pint of salad oil ¼ of a pound of redled finely ground, boil the oils together a ¼ of an hour let it stand till it’s almost cold then pour in the redlead simmer’d together till it’s of a rite substance, be sure not to let it boil + strain it ¼ of an hour after its of the fine

Interestingly enough, this recipe appears twice, somewhat different in its instructions and proportions, in the recipe book. "To Make Black Medicine", dated 1822, is also similarly labeled "Black Plaster" in a possibly later recipe, which was also written on an insert.

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