12020-12-01T17:53:22-08:00Shreya De2Reflection on embodiment and materialityplain2020-12-09T17:39:28-08:00
This is a photo of me awkwardly sitting at my desk and working. I'm home alone so I had a friend take a photo of me on zoom. All of 2020 has been me sitting at this very desk and working in this very chair. I am a visual person so I like having a notebook out with me at all times. I always write notes for this class in this notebook first and then after that I type them out and upload them. This class on a whole has allowed me to grow beyond this and work with innovative new platforms such as scalar and I'm so thankful for that. I'm grateful to be able to speculate on different parts of women's literature and learn so much over different mediums. I love how I'm able to answer so many more questions now.