Opening Up Space: A Lovely Technofeminist Opportunity

Editor To Minister Theodore Parker Sermons

Even though Frances Power Cobbe led an unorthodox lifestyle according to Victorian Era Society, she still managed to be well respected and praised as a writer. The following work is a composition of religious sermons written by Theodore Parker, a minister of the twenty-eighth Congregational Society in Boston.
Cobbe became acquainted with Parker's works in 1845 when she read Discourse of Religion, and because of this reading, it influenced her to detach herself from the conventional and traditional views of religion and embrace a more spiritual and personal belief of the natural world. She then further developed a friendship with Theodore Parker and during a visit to Florence, Parker's choice of city for retirement, they worked together on their writing until Parker's death. 
It can be seen in the work annexed below that France Power Cobbe edited this work from 1863-71 while residing in Italy


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