'One That's More Torrid': The Pirates of Madagascar

Tew [Part iv]

Like several other elements of Misson's story, the destruction of Libertalia appears to be inspired by the destruction of the real pirate Adam Baldridge's trading post on the island in October of 1697. The pirate leader had left to raid the coast for slaves (for in reality, many of the pirates survived by preying on humans as much as any other source of wealth), and during that time "the small colony at Sainte Marie was overthrown by the indigenous population. Eleven marauders were killed; only a ship boy survived the massacre. According to this boy, the pirates had provoked the assault 'by their abuseing of the Natives and takeing their Cattel from them.' This incident indicates that the pirates had failed to develop respect for the Malagasy" (Bialuschewski, "Pirates, Slavers and the Indigenous Population in Madagascar, c. 1690-1715" 409).

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