'One That's More Torrid': The Pirates of Madagascar

Misson [part iii] Letter of Marque

Privateers were generally granted their legal status via a letter of marque, a term linked to the Old French word "marque" or "right to retaliation."  This allowed states to mobilize and legitimize skilled sailors from the merchant fleet...and, often, quickly harness the power of pirates who were eager for the cover of legitimacy. Throughout the late sixteenth century and seventeenth centuries, as the vastness of sea and land became clear, states were often quite willing to turn a blind eye to the behavior of these outlaws, grant them commissions, and point them in the direction of other state powers.

This is a sample of a letter of marque, complete with a transcript, from the National Archives of the United Kingdom:

Letters of marque and reprisal for the St George. Declaration of William Dampier.
TNA: PRO ref: HCA 26/17 f.170 (13 October 1702)

13 October 1702
Appeared personally Capt[ain] William Dampier and produced a Warr[ant] from the R[ight] hon[ourable] the Comm[issioner] deputed by his Royall Highnes Prince George of Denmarke etc Lord High A[d]m[ira]ll of England Ireland etc and of all Her Ma[jest]ties Plantations etc for the granting of a Com[missi]on or L[ett]ers of Marque to him the s[ai]d W[illia]m Dampier, and in pursuance of her Ma[jes]ties Instructions to Privateers made the following Declaration viz. that his ship is called the St George, and is of the burthen of ab[ou]t Two hundred & sixty Tonns, mounted with Twenty Two Gunns, that he the Declarant goes Cap[tain] of her, that she carryes one hundred men, one hundred small Armes, thirty Cutlaces, thirty Barrells of powder, thirty Rounds of great Shott and ab[ou]t one thousand w[eigh]t of small shott, that the s[ai]d ship is victualled for Eight months, has two Suites of Sails and some spare Sailes, five Anchors & five Cables, and ab[ou]t one Tonn of spare Cordage that Sam[ue]ll Huxford goes Lieuten[ant], Jo[h]n Hill Master, Rob[er]t Edlington Boateswaine, Rob[er]t Carr Gunner, W[illia]m Joy Carpenter, Edw[ar]d Morgan Cooke and John Phelps Surgeon of the said Ship, and that W[illia]m Price of Kingstreet neer Golden Square in the County of Middl[ese]x, Gent is the sole Owner and setter out of the s[ai]d ship.

The same day
This Declaration was made before
William Dampier
Geo[rge] Bramston Jur[or?]
St George [in margin]

The like Comm[issi]on as is entered F of 11. [???] granted to Cap[tain] William Dampier to set forth the St. George of the burthen of ab[out] Two hundred & sixty Tonns, whereof the said William Dampier goeth Com[m]ander Dated the Thirteenth day of October in the yeare of Our Lord 1702. And in the First year of her Ma[jes]ties Reigne.


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