'One That's More Torrid': The Pirates of Madagascar

Avery [Part i] Hotak

"Meriveis" is a reference Mīrwais Khān Hotak, a chief in the region now known as Afghanistan -- caught then, as it has so often been, between major world powers as a result of its strategically valuable location.

With the Safavid Empire (Persia, largely Shia Muslim) to the west, the growing Mughal Empire (India, then largely Sunni Muslim) to the east, and significant regional powers to the north, his Pashtun tribes were directly in the line of fire. Under Hotak's leadership, the Pashtun killed the local Safavid governor but repelled their forces (recently very intent on forcibly converting the Pashtuns to Shia Islam), declared the region of Kandahar independent and ruled it for several generations. He is still known as "Father Mīrwais" to the Pashtun people, and is credited as one of the founding fathers of modern-day Afghanistan.

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