'One That's More Torrid': The Pirates of Madagascar

[Avery ii] no Enquiry would be made how they came by them

Avery is, in modern terms, fencing his goods back in England. The merchants will ensure "no Enquiry would be made how they came by" the diamonds and other unusual items in his cache that he was unable to unload in the colonies. Subsequently, we see the merchants abscond with his share of the massive treasure, leaving him to die in poverty.
There is no record of the actual fate of Avery; speculation has raged for centuries, from this muted passing in southwestern England to the establishment of a successful pirate kingdom in so many works of fiction (including not just eighteenth-century plays and novels, but modern-day television ("Black Sails") and gaming (Uncharted 4"). While he no longer claims the fame he held in his own time, Avery's open-ended story often proves irresistible for creators interesting in this type of conflict.

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