Now, Mr. Lincoln?

Information on the Businesses

General information on the businesses that received funding from the "Now, Mr. Lincoln?" campaign

What kind of businesses were selected for the campaign?

Every business that was selected was part of the service industry, either as a barber's shop/beauty salon, car garage, copy service center, news printing, etc. 

Why were these businesses selected?

These businesses were selected to specifically help working class, black entrepreneurs start their business. These businesses in particular had strong relations with the black community of Tacoma, largely because they were mostly likely the only black businesses that existed in the Hilltop area at the time (Changing Peoples of Hilltop). 
For more detailed information, please refer to Why did the Businesses fail?

What were the businesses?

Archival information was found on 11 black entrepreneurs and their respective businesses, which were (in no particular order):For more detailed information on these businesses, please refer to Businesses that Received Funding.

There were two more businesses found, but little to none information was associated with these names, which were: 

Where are they located?

Almost all the businesses that received seed money from the campagin were located in South Tacoma or Hilltop.
For more detailed information on location, please refer to Businesses that Received Funding.

How much money was each business awarded and how was the money raised?

It is unclear how much money exactly each business was awarded, but one source said a total of $68,000 was raised. The University of Puget Sound provided a donation that matched a certain amount of money, however, the money largely came from donors who attended dinner parties, which were hosted with the sole purpose of raising money for the campaign. 

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