1media/Inferno1_thumb.jpg2019-12-11T16:57:30-08:00Felicia Swartzenberg9dca8a4beb6c168d9aba5fc9d4c14cd463fe5a91360221Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's epic poem, the Divine Comedy. The Inferno is about Alighieri's journey through Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil.plain2019-12-11T16:57:30-08:00Dante Alighieri2013Leather BoundEpic PoemFelicia Swartzenberg9dca8a4beb6c168d9aba5fc9d4c14cd463fe5a91
This copy of Inferno is one of my favorite books purely because of how beautiful the copy is. I was a real try-hard in high school and loved to challenge myself, so I took it upon myself to read Dante's epic poem. I never made it through to the third book, but I loved Inferno. I would always write quotes from it in my journal and even debated getting a tattoo inspired by the poem. This speficic copy was given to me by my grandma for Christmas, because she knew how much I loved the book.