My Favorite Books: A collection of Felicia's most treasured books

Bill Peet

Bill Peet was an American animator, screenwriter, and author-illustrator born on Jan. 29, 1915. Not many people can say they are famous for their career, but Bill Peet was able to say that about both his career as a children's book author and his career as an animator for Walt Disney Studios. He worked for Disney for 27 years, during which he earned a reputation as a storyteller on a par with Disney himself. His work for Disney ranged from drawing sketches for the title character of Dumbo to contributing to character and story development for features including Fantasia, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty to writing the screenplay for 101 Dalmatians and The Sword in the Stone. After leaving Disney, Peet expanded on what had been a sideline job and became one of the most popular writers and illustrators of children’s books in the U.S., with more than 30 titles to his credit, among them Chester the Worldly Pig and The Whingdingdilly.

 Check out his books!

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