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Hotmail create account, Outlook sign up, Hotmail email -


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How to Sign Up for Hotmail on Windows/Mac

Indeed, using Hotmail/ appears to be the most convenient on your PC or laptop. It takes only a few minutes to create a Hotmail account on your personal computer, and here we will show you how to do it. Just stick to the guidelines and create a new “” email address within minutes.



  • In the first place, you should open a new tab in the browser and head to the following webpage: .
  • On the main webpage of Outlook, you will notice two buttons, placed in the center of the screen. At that point, you have to click on the “Create free account” button.
    Hotmail sign up from PC
  • Following it, you will get an opportunity to start the Hotmail sign up process. On the next page, you have to enter the username of your future email address. If the username is available, a dropdown list will appear. Select "" or "" from the list and click on the “Next” button.
    Hotmail sign up create account from PC
  • Right after that, you will have to make up a strong, dependable password for your account. Once it is ready, enter the password in the provided field and click on the “Next” button.
  • Then, Outlook will ask you to provide your full name. You should type your first name in the first field and your last name in the second field. Then, click on the “Next” button once more.
  • Following it, you will have to provide a few other details about yourself. Select your country or region in the first field on the next page. Then, specify your date of birth in the next field and click on the “Next” button.
  • On the next page, you have to verify that you are not a robot. For that purpose, you should type the letters and digits from the Captcha code in the provided field. Then, you should click on the “Next” button.
    Hotmail sign up create account from PC
  • Eventually, you will see a page that will help you to customize your profile a bit before starting to use your email address. At that point, you should click on the “Next” button.
  • Following it, you have to select your language and time zone in the next tab. Then, click on “Next.”
  • After it, you can choose a special theme for your Hotmail account. Following it, you should click on the “Next” button.
  • Eventually, you can add a signature to your email address or turn it off completely. Once that is ready, click on the “Next” button once more.
  • Right after that, you will get to see the inbox of your newly created Hotmail address – you can start using it right now!

With your Hotmail account, you are able to access Microsoft OneDrive . That will allow you to access your personal information from any device that you may have. 

Hotmail Sign Up on Mobile Devices

Obviously, you are also able to sign up for Hotmail on a mobile device. We recommend you to install the official Hotmail app for that purpose: Microsoft Outlook for Android and Microsoft Outlook for iOS. You, however, are also able to do it in your mobile browser and follow our instructions – the registration process doesn’t vary that much.

  • At first, you should access the page where you can download the Microsoft Outlook app on your smartphone (above) and get it installed.
  • Once you have installed the application, you should find the icon of this Outlook app on your smartphone and tap on it.
    Hotmail sign up create account from mobile android
  • That will launch the mobile application. Right after that, you will get to see a welcome message from Microsoft Outlook – you should tap on the “GET STARTED” button there.
  • Next, you will be offered to add an account to this app. Uncheck any other email address (a Gmail address, for example) and tap on the “SKIP” text button, placed in the right-bottom corner.
  • Following it, enter an email address that you want to create and tap on the “CONTINUE” text button.
  • Right after that, you will get to see an error, saying that there is no such email address available. Yet, Microsoft will offer you to create such one. At that point, you should tap on the “Next” button.
    Hotmail sign up create account from mobile
  • Immediately after doing so, you will have to confirm it by tapping the “Next” button on the next page.
  • Once you have done that, you will have to make up a password for your future email address. After you have got a password, enter it in the provided field and tap the “Next” button.
  • Following it, Microsoft will require you to provide some additional information. On the next page, you should type your first name in the first field and your last name in the second field. Tap the “Next” button.
  • On the next page, you should select your country in the first field. Following it, select your date of birth in the last field and tap the “Next” button.
  • After all, you have to confirm that you are a human. Enter the symbols from the Captcha code in the given field and tap the “Next” button one last time.
  • Now, you have just created a new Outlook account and added it to your mobile app. Then, you will be offered to add another account to your Outlook app – you should refuse it by tapping the “SKIP” button.
  • Then, you will get to see an inbox of your newly created email account. Then, you can start using this Outlook account right away.

Hotmail Sign Up Problems

Even though the Hotmail registration process is pretty straightforward, there are numerous issues that might occur and prevent users from registering their accounts. This part of our guide lists the most common Hotmail sign up problems and possible ways of solving these issues.

Outlook says that an account with the username I want already exists. Unfortunately, such an issue may occur at literally any popular service. There is no other solution but to pick a username that is free.

Hotmail requires me to provide my phone number in order to sign up. Unfortunately, Hotmail requires different users to provide their phone numbers from time to time, and there is no way of skipping it. The requirement is quite selective, and some users may be allowed to use their Hotmail accounts that aren’t linked to phone numbers for years, while other users will have to provide it right during the registration process.

How to Add a Hotmail Signature

You are also able to set up a signature for your Hotmail account. As a matter of fact, this is a very simple thing, and we will supply you with instructions on how to do it at this point of our guide. If you will ever have a need to edit your Hotmail signature, you can also do it by sticking to these instructions.

  • At first, open a new tab and access the following website:
  • Then, start accessing your Hotmail account. For that, you should enter your email address in the given field and click on “Next.” Then, enter your password in the field and click on the “Next” again.
  • Once you have got to see your Hotmail inbox, you should click on the “Settings” button in a form of a cogwheel, placed in the right upper corner.
    Hotmail sign up create account add signature
  • In a pop-up window that has just appeared on the right side, you should select “View all Outlook settings.”
  • On the left side of the settings page, you should select “Compose and reply.”
  • At that top of that page of the settings, you will get to see a signature field. There, you can edit your Hotmail signature or add one.
  • Once you are done editing your Outlook signature, you should click on the “Save” button, placed in the right upper corner.

Questions and Answers

Q: How to sign up for a second Hotmail account?
It is easy to register a second account on Hotmail. Once you have installed Outlook (either from Microsoft Office suites or from Office 365), you are able to register as many email accounts as you might need. Just follow our guidelines and set up a new account in a pretty similar way, but make sure to use another username. Then, you will be able to use that account right away. Besides, different accounts can be linked to the same mobile phone number.

Q: How to sign up for without phone number?
Technically, there is no requirement from Microsoft (like Yahoo has) that you should definitely provide your phone number. However, more and more users experience an issue that they have to provide their phone numbers – some users have to do even during the registration process. Unfortunately, there is no way to skip it.

Q: How do I sign up for Outlook if I have a Hotmail account?
Basically, you don’t need to sign up for Outlook, if you want to keep using your old Hotmail account. You should just login to your old account on the page of Outlook.

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