Dunbar High School
1 media/New-DunbarSchoolBuilding-1953-380x306_thumb.JPG 2020-10-10T19:48:04-07:00 M. Francyne Huckaby b0a028670024a30dbf6459126ac0b17fe5ed9174 38156 1 link plain 2020-10-10T19:48:04-07:00 M. Francyne Huckaby b0a028670024a30dbf6459126ac0b17fe5ed9174This page is referenced by:
More from M. Francyne Huckaby, Ph.D.
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Public Education | Participatory Democracy
scalar.usc.edu/works/publiceducation/indexDunbar High School: 1916-1968
scalar.usc.edu/works/dunbar/indexParadox & Praxis: The 21st Century Imperative for Educational Foundations
scalar.usc.edu/works/paradoxpraxis/indexWho Should We Read?
Researching Resistance: Public Education After Neoliberalism
Researching Resistance: Public Education After Neoliberalism serves two vital functions. First, it explores, explicates, and encourages critical qualitative research that engages the arts and born-digital scholarship. Second, it offers options for understanding neoliberalism, revealing its impact on communities, and resisting it as ideology, practice, and law.
Making Research Public in Troubled Times: Pedagogy, Activism, and Critical Obligations
These are certainly troubled times in which neoliberal capitalist patriarchy and the tyranny of racism and domination are continually reinscribed on the bodies and lives of so many. However, critical researchers understand the necessity for, as well as the difficulty of, using research to facilitate public transformations that lead to increased justice and equity. The authors contributing to Making Research Public in Troubled Times: Pedagogy, Activism, and Critical Obligations recognize the importance of diverse pedagogies, activism, and ethical choices regarding an environment that supports critical research in oppressive times.
Employing Critical Qualitative Inquiry to Mount Nonviolent Resistance
This volume engages researchers with the notion of critical qualitative inquiry (CQI) as a direct practice of resistance. As female educators and researchers who have (through our politically activist sister) been referred to as “Nasty Women” in the US presidential debates, we believe that it is our responsibility to respond through our inquiry to the violent reinscription of intersecting forms of injustice and marginalization. The purposes of this volume are therefore (1) to demonstrate personal actions taken by researchers to deal with thoughts/feelings of despair as well as how to move toward survival, and (2) to explore historical, new, and rethought research and activist methodologies (frameworks) as counter measures broadly and for public education specifically.