Week by Week Overview with Readings
PART 1: Remix, Ownership, and the Creative Commons
Week 1 Sept 13 introduction
- Coppa, Francesca and Julie Levin Russo. "Editorial Fan/remix video (a remix)"
- Lessig, Introduction
- For these opening inquiries, introduce yourselves online on Canvas, and respond to a fellow classmate or two. In your introductions, touch on something that caught your attention in this week's introductory readings. Feel free to include a couple of links to your favorite media/interests etc or attach an image if you are so inspired.
(1st inquiry due Thursday September 15. 1st response due Saturday September 17)
***Note--please watch the screening for this week on your own; for logistical reasons, we'll hold off on starting our collective screenings till next week. But do watch this and be ready to talk about it in class next week: Kirby Ferguson's Everything is a Remix Remastered. ***
Week 2 Sept 20 fair use & creative commons
Set up your YouTube or Vimeo account by class Sept 20
- On Fair Use: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3
- "Interview with Eric Faden and Nina Paley." (Please read and watch the video)
- Creative Commons Licenses Explained in Plain English
PART 2 Respond/Remix
Friday September 23 @5PM Creative Commons Remixes Due
Week 3 Sept 27 spreadability
- Jenkins, Henry. “If it Doesn’t Spread, it’s Dead
- Vellar, Agnese. “Spreading the cult body on YouTube: A case study of ‘Telephone’ derivative videos."
- Lessig Chapter 2
- Photocopier retells the story behind his awesome Nyan Cat remix (The Daily Dot)
Week 4 Oct 04 remix as intervention
Political Remix Video Group Led Discussion
- Edwards & Tyron. “Political Video Mashups as Allegories of Citizen Empowerment.”
- Lessig Chapter 2
- Lothian, Alexis. “Living in a Den of Thieves”
Collaborative Video and Vidding Group Led Discussion
- Coppa, Francesca. “An Editing Room of One’s Own.”
- Coppa, Francesca. "Women, Star Trek, and the Development of Early Fannish Vidding."
- Lessig Chapter 3
PART 3 Vidding & Evolving Modes of Video Remix
October 18th Midterm Recess
Friday Oct 21 @5PM Respond/Remix Video & Commentary due
Week 6 OCT 25 trailers & videographic criticism
Trailers & Videographic Crit Group Led Discussion
- Williams, Kathleen Ann. “Fake and fan film trailers as incarnations of audience anticipation and desire.”
- What is videographic Criticism?
- Corey Creekmur, “How does film feel? Toward affective videographic criticism.” The Cine-Files (2016)
- Lessig Chapter 4
Week 7 NOV 1 AMVs & other remix histories
AMV Group Led Discussion
- Horwatt, Eli. "A Taxonomy of Digital Video Remixing."
- Roberts, Ian. "Genesis of the digital anime music video scene, 1990–2001."
- McIntosh, Jonathan. "A history of subversive remix video before YouTube: Thirty political video
mashups made between World War II and 2005." - Lessig Chapter 5
Friday Nov 4 @ 5PM Mid-Term Close Analysis Essay Due
Week 8 NOV 8 focus on music
Music Remix Group Led Discussion
- Navas, Eduardo. “Remix Defined.” [If you’d like to read more from Navas, try here.]
- “What we talk about when we talk about Girl Talk” and “RemixingGirl Talk.”
- Lessig Chapter 6
Week 9 NOV 15 gender/sexuality/race critique in remix authorship
- Sex, Lies, and Video Remixes: Critiquing 'Mad Men' in Its Own Words
- Francesca Coppa and Rebecca Tushnet, "How to Suppress Women's Remix."
- Thingswithwings. “Some thoughts on manpain.”
- Kreisinger, Elisa. "Queer video remix and LGBTQ online communities."
PART 4 Remix Synthesis: Rethink, Revise, Remix
Friday Nov 18 at 5PM Modal Remixes Due
Week 10 NOV 22 remixers speak
Remix Personal Narratives Group Led Discussion
- Vidder profiles (We'll watch these in our screening but you can view them again on your own for reference here): kiki_miserychic; charmax; obsessive24
- Documenting the vidders: A conversation with Bradcpu
- DJ Spooky. "In Through the Out Door."
- DJ Spooky Wants to Remix the Climate Fight
- “Desiree D'Alessandro and Diran Lyons bear arms: Weapons of mass transformation”
Week 11 Nov 29 mixing modes
- Leduc, Martin. “The two-source illusion: How vidding practices changed Jonathan McIntosh's political remix videos.”
- Lori Morimoto on Videographic Criticism and vidding (forthcoming)
- On Vine Vids and Videographic Criticism (by me J)
Week 12 crazy final editing party the first
- Closing thought readings TBD
- Lessig 9 & 10
Time to finish projects and to reopen, revise, rethink, and remix.
Tuesday Dec 6th @ 5PM Intermodal Remix Rough Draft Due (for in class sharing/feedback(
Friday Dec 9th Intermodal Remix Due
Dec 8 Screening: Final Remix Presentation
Tuesday Dec 13th Remix Redux (revise any remix!) due
Tuesday Dec 13 @5PM Final Intermodal Written Components Due
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