Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Video inspiration

The initial inspiration for the short film was the concept that nature is more often appreciated through our screens than by experiencing it directly, this led to the idea to mimic a video one might see on Facebook of beautiful vistas and stock footage actors and replace the motivational quotes or wanderlust travel tips with a confrontation of the falsehoods within the natureculture divide.There is a whole field that has developed around Environmental communication and in recent years this communication has moved away from simply encouraging green behaviours or displaying statistics about rising temperatures or how long coffee cups take to break down and is instead moving towards breaking down the natureculture divide. It is clear that many people’s experience of nature through the lens of online video claims nature as a right or otherwise separates its viewer from it. However, social media is also being used as a tool to combat this division, for example using the hashtag ‘pollinators’ to encourage the viewing of beautiful images of birds and bumblebees not just as ‘nature’ but also as necessary. It was this movement towards using the power and influence that online media already has to confront the divide between people and the world around them that inspired our short film.

Example: https://www.facebook.com/worldeconomicforum/videos/10155506607421479/

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