This comment was written by Celina Yu on 4 Oct 2022.

Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

The threads of communication

Mycelium works in a collaborative and nurturing way to assist and maintain the well-being of the organisms in the ecosystem. The complex projection of the threads onto organic beings facilitates communication so that every being is included and accepted in this massive network unless harmful and destructive organisms enter this safety net. In such an invisible world, the boundaries have disappeared and everything is discursive, the uniform construction of the mycelium has enabled communication to be undisturbed and continuing. This deeply intertwined smooth network has inspired me to imagine a similar Utopian society in the human world, and how this simplest organic being, mycelium, could transform into the "narrative threads" that reach every individual that ensures the flow of caring and connection. It somehow draws a connection to the postcolonial archipelagic thought that has similar discursive constructions, which also decenters the dominant governance. The politics of the natural world has so much more that we could learn from.

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