Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

The Tempedum

it might be said:

Matthew's e-concept of dis-emplacement was one that inspired many of the thought and introspection that went into the development of my e-concept. The concept of dis-emplacement was one that struck many during the modern COVID period in feeling a disconnection both at an individual level and collective level. The Tempedum provides its reader a tool to overcome these emotions of loss and disconnection by inviting one to look for peace inspired by the natural world. 

To find meaning to feelings like this, one can always look on the natural world, which since the violence of the Anthropocene, has experience the collapsing of space.

In this manner of describing such feelings one is able to be aware of the consequences of the Anthropocene, the first step to growth and meaningful recovery. This part of Matthew's e-concept inspired me to come up with the Tempedum which aims to act as a catalyst to curing this feeling of displacement.

I continued on with the project, I realised that I could not only learn from the natural world to understand it, but also see a different kind of dis-emplacement that is still true to the original concept: the collapsing of the spacetime of the natural world.

Similar to his experience, I also came to the realization that the e-concept of the tempedum, like the concept of dis-emplacement, has the power to resonate in many contexts and is a medium to understanding the extent to which our thoughts and actions are equally influential and influenced by the natural world.

-Fatima El Cheikh Khalil

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