Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Suzanne B 3

The sense of hopelessness in the world that we live in today is not just subject to human fragility. Although it does make sense in a hyper capitalisitc and trickle down economic world that we dramatically differ in lifestyle and suffer from a ‘collective depression’ as discussed last week, but who else suffers the most? In the image the Bison Skulls show generations of Bison life killed during the great slaughter in the 1800s in America. The Bison is now free from extinction and their species live on today. Scientists in the The UN Environment Programme declare that a estimates 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird, and mammal become extinct every 24 hours” (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/05/140529-conservation-science-animals-species-endangered-extinction/)

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