Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Postcard 5- Sophie McGing

I love the merging of the Bird-Atmosphere worlds! It makes sense, with birds typically (though not exclusively) inhabiting the sky, and is an excellent example of ecological thought. Through engaging in the Reading Natures course I’ve developed an ecological perspective, observing the world through an eco-critical lens whereby sentient and non-sentient beings alike both undeniably their own, whilst also embodying a part of landscape that thrives off symbiosis, intra-action and interaction. My own living book experience saw me travel through the watery worlds, marginal worlds and emerging worlds before finally settling on the watery worlds once again. This resulted from each week’s lectures, tutorials and readings offering insights into ecological thought that represented each distinct “world” and all its non-human and human inhabitants as both clearly distinct yet unquestionably unified.

- Sophie McGing

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