Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Plant Blindness, Insect Blindness?

Allen says of Plant Blindness: 'the problem is, if most people don't pay attention to plants and the fundamental role they play in maintaining life, society isn't likely to agree that plant conservation is among humanity's most crucial issues'. Could the same be said for human perception of insects?

We remain ignorant to the idea that the single ant meandering past is is participatory in its own colony and by virtue the ecosystem at large; The species Formica yessensis has colony sizes of up to 306 million workers. It is staunchly anthropocentric to perceive the individual ant as somehow not important to a greater cause, or as not having importance in the natural world (a parallel can be drawn to Australia's response to it contribution on climate change i.e "we don't produce comparable emissions comparative to larger nations, therefore out contribution is negligible.")

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